Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Editing to Music

Editing to music, as well as being done in film and games is commonly used in fan made videos. This is an example of one done by hamps19 for Assassin's creed to the song Beautiful Lies by B Complex.

When editing to the music, this person has really payed attention the tempo changes and has added some great effects on top of that to help bring the clips to life in relation the music. The thing I like the most about it has to be the attention to music tempo though, I also like the use of switching between the worlds as well as slowing clips down because it really adds to it in a visual aspect.

During my personal tutorial, It was pointed out to me that the footage and the music were quite detached because of the edit I had done, so when it came to the re-edit, I took this into consideration and tried to get the music to sync with the appearance of the next clip and the titles that come on screen.

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