Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Editing experience

I was given the job of editing for our second film. Finn did the rough edit and I basically worked on top of that. We originally wanted to put a voice over on it because Finn filmed things in response to the lines of the poem while he was down in Didcot. I booked the recording studio out on Monday and Robyn and Jess experimented with different voices and reading at different paces but they didn't feel a connection. Because of this, we didn't feel that the voice over would work so we all agreed to put text in instead.

When I started putting the text in, I moved a few clips around and dropped the text in changing the font to Goudy Old Style and moving them around a bit so the audience's eyes will explore the screen rather than look in one spot. I also tried to position them in appropriate places so they were legible an also not taking anything away from the footage. 

When it came to the personal tutorals, I was introduced to this...

The outer box indicates part of the image that will be wrapped around the edge of the tv screen and the inner box indicates the screen itself so in essence, everything inside of these boxes is considered 'title safe'. A lot of the text I had put in were way out of these boundaries therefore risk the possibility of appearing off screen so I went back and moved everything on the inside so I can be sure it will be visible. 

Adding text to footage also changes the meaning of the it and some lines of the poem didn't really fit with the footage I had originally put them with, so I did a re-edit and moved a lot of the footage around. I found it quite difficult to match the footage with the words because the footage taken is pretty limited and certain clips were quite short so there's a sequence at the beginning that almost seems rushed. But I did my best with what I had.

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