Tuesday, January 31, 2012


This is a really beautiful yet sad animation made by 'GreenCream' that I came across by accident. When I saw the use of silhouettes I was immediately intrigued because we've done the same for our Norse Mythology based project.

I really like this piece because as well as looking really nice, the effects over the silhouettes and the sound effects really add that wow factor. I think making our own sound effects and such might be something to consider for our animation. I think it'd really personalise it and because of the style it's presented in I think it might work well.

The story to this animation is also really moving, and I think a good story can really help make something come to life. This one really reflects the damage that human activity has on wildlife and the environment. It's a very powerful subject matter to cover but I still think it's a very beautiful animation despite that.

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