Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Background Images

These are the three background images I came up with, in relation to the storyboard and some reference images we gathered as examples of the settings we wanted.

This picture took me quite a while because I really struggle with perspective. I also made a lot of mistakes which were pointed out to me by my sister regarding the damaged parts of the building. However, I'm quite pleased with the outcome, I think the greyscale makes the picture quite moody, mysterious and quite the stand alone piece. I think it's a fitting image for the opening of our film piece.

I don't like this picture very much because it's so flat and lacks perspective so next to my other drawing it doesn't look good at all. I think there's a lot of room for improvement on this picture but because of time constraints I'm going to leave it as it is unless I find some time at the end to do it.

For the third picture, there was going to be a part where he opens the book so in essence the background would be of the floor because h's looking down. So for this picture I decided to have a mess around on Photoshop with a stock photo of a kind of pavement texture.

These are the reference pictures.

I split these images between myself, Jess and Finn. To make it fair, I let everyone choose the column they wanted to reference from and by doing this I wouldn't be giving people tasks they didn't feel they could do.

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